Relaciones entre Brasil y Argentina en la década del 80 : de una cautelosa rivalidad a una competencia amistosa

Publication Title

Estudios Internacionales

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Publication Date



Politics, Philosophy, and Legal Studies


Events since 1979 have softened the tone of Brazilian-Argentine relations and have developed a level of mutual trust, as well as institutional mechanisms to foster greater cooperation. We argue that enough progress has been made to be able to make an assessment of the dynamics of the current political, economic and security relationship and anticipate the opportunities, constraints and problems that lie ahead. Even with the risks involved in predicting during a situation of such fluidity; it is possible and useful to map out the trends and factors that are likely to emerge and influence the quality and direction that the relationship will take in the remainder of this decade. To focus the deliberation of the range of probabilities to some extent, the time frame is divided into short term (1985-86) and medium term (1987-1989), as continuity and discontinuity factors are evaluated in each period.




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