It may sound audacious, to say that a horse-and-buggy driving group, can teach us anything about living in a hyper-tech, hyper-everything world. Yet for Professor Kraybill, the Amish demonstrate how some old-fashion things, suddenly turn relevant, once again! In nine episodes Kraybill explores what he learned from the Amish about (1) Community, (2) Technology, (3) Apprenticeship, (4) Forgiveness, (5) Hacking (6) Smallness (7) Choices (8) Humility, and (9) Death.
Submissions from 2022
Episode 1: Community, Donald B. Kraybill
Episode 2: Technology, Donald B. Kraybill
Episode 3: Apprenticeship, Donald B. Kraybill
Episode 4: Forgiveness, Donald B. Kraybill
Episode 5: Hacking, Donald B. Kraybill
Episode 6: Smallness, Donald B. Kraybill
Episode 7: Choices, Donald B. Kraybill
Episode 8: Humility, Donald B. Kraybill
Episode 9: Death, Donald B. Kraybill